Wednesday, August 22, 2012

growing trees

the family branches extend.
Being a witness to life, can leave you speechless.
I was only there for over 4 hours - but it felt like 30 minutes.  
I was excited the entire time.  Maybe because I love Beth and her family.
But I think it's more than that.

It's the expectation - the excitement - of this amazing amazing miracle of life.
It brought me to tears. And I hope I never forget this moment.

... I won't because I have photos to remind me.

Monday, August 20, 2012

a sprouting seed.

Photographing Wendell & Beth's growing family has been fun and challenging at times.  Especially when a little boy doesn't want to change his dirty shirt.  

The light and the night seemed perfect, as it all balanced out.

We did this shoot just in time - as this little sprout was born soon after.