Sunday, July 27, 2014

~davis family~

The not so new addition to the family is growing "so big"....
Little William is adorable, and might just have been the best child I have ever photographed.
Sorry guys, but this child deserves an award.

They are a beautiful family, hope you enjoy the photos.

Not all ideas work for all children, they are not cookie cutters.  Prime example below.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

~lovely lervik family~

I so enjoy photographing this lovely family over and over again.  
Every year Justin & Marit give me this great opportunity to follow their family around,
and I get to call it work.  
Henry, the big brother, feels like he is my little buddy when I see him.  
Soren is definitely a stubborn, free spirited little boy, but so precious.  
Love their personalities and uniqueness.

I think this is one of their favorite photos.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

*South Dakota*

I had the pleasure of attending an old fashion branding in Martin, SD.  It was a beautiful day to mark up some baby calves.  It looked like a lot of hard work.  Something I really admired was how the younger crew really knew what they were doing and were right in there with the older crew.  It was impressive.  I think some of them could teach the older ones a thing or two.

Thank you for stopping by...